Galleon Ship Puzzles

Sometimes, puzzles are so colorful a collector simply can’t bear to part with them! That is how we feel about puzzles depicting galleon ships. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (New College Edition) defines galleon as “a large three-masted sailing ship generally having two or more decks, used during the 15th and 16th centuries by Spain and other countries as a merchantman or warship.” While some of the ships depicted below technically may not fit the precise definition of “galleon”, they are incredibly beautiful scenes and make wonderful puzzles!

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Maker: Allen Winsor
Maker: Carson & Co.
Series: Jerry's Jig Saw
Maker: Clara Rawson
Series: Delft
Maker: Hanchett, Richard B.
Series: Book-O-The-Day
Maker: J. A. Needham
Maker: Jones, A.V.N.
Series: Delta Historical Ships
Maker: Jumble Jig Saw Puzzles
Maker: Jumble Jig Saw Puzzles
Maker: Milton Bradley Co
Series: Premier
Maker: Parker Brothers
Series: Pastime
Maker: Parker Brothers
Series: Pastime
Maker: Parker Brothers
Series: Pastime
Maker: Parker Brothers
Series: Pastime
Maker: Parker Brothers
Series: Pastime
Maker: Parker Brothers
Series: Pastime
Maker: S. B. Carrington
Series: Rainbow
Maker: Victor Refalfy, Fashionette Studio
Series: VR