Salem, MA Maker Displaying 481 - 510 of 533 [Bear catching fish as fisherman watches) Summer in the Ozarks The New Learning in Englamd Ready for the Hunt Spring Song Sea Dreams [Beauty in the Breeze] [Nature at its best] On the Quay The Rapids Child Handel Melton Breakfast The Landing Steps On the Lake of Geneva--Castle of Chillon Girl and Swans Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge A Morning Call The Irate Parent: What, Married? A Helping Hand A View of Venice General Washington at Yorktown Pigeons of St. Mark The Sunny South Mary, Mary Quite Contrary [Battle of Trafalgar] Surrender of Cornwallis June Time in the Netherlands The Challenge (The Message) Melton Breakfast Birth of Our Country Pages« first‹ previous…101112131415161718next ›last »