Below is a picture of the full puzzle and a chart matching the 15 sections in the puzzle and identifying the title . Enlarged pictures of the individual sections along with title, maker, Dickens novel, Tuck series number, piece count, maker, and cutting techniques and styles for each section can be viewed separately by clicking onto the appropriate section in either the puzzle or the chart.

"David Copperfield Bids Farewell to the Micawber Family" from David Copperfield. Tuck D.9. 84 pieces. Cut by Amy Finley Scott, New York, NY. Signature piece links 2 edge pieces along bottom; designed irregular top emulating clouds; lovely curve/curl kb style.
"Mr. Pickwick, His Friends and Mr. Jingle Start for Rochester" from Pickwick Papers Tuck D.4. Made by Stave Puzzles, Norwich, VT. Irregular edges-wavy; 11 figs including signature, 5 appropriate. (2 interact), 5 in rebus (All aboard), 1 enhanced; loose cut-challenge (monkey fist in border); inside corner; some color line cutting; replacement piece (not shown); irregular edges; round knob style.
"The Meeting of Pip and Estella at the Inn Yard" from Great Expectations. Tuck D.1 88 pieces. Cut by Conrad Armstrong, Armstrong Puzzles, Boston, MA. Irregular edges-scalloped; dropouts-figure and enhancement; signature piece; some color line cutting; maze cut in long/rouind dancing feet style with 1 oversized piece.
"David Copperfield on His Way to School" from David Copperfield. Tuck D.5. 108 pieces. Cut by David Beffa-Negrini, Fools Gold Puzzles, Harrisville, NH. Irregular edges-knobs; 2 interactive figures; 2 appropriate figures; signature piece; split knobs; some color line cutting; replacement piece (not shown); 1-by-1 round/earlet knob style.
"David Copperfield Arrives in London" from David Copperfield. Tuck D.2. 122 pieces. Cut by Mark Cappitella, MGC Puzzles, E. Haddam. Irregular top-outline; signature piece; personalized figure (musical note); 2 appropriate figures; inside edges; split corners; some color line cutting; earlet style.
"Nicholas Nickleby's Departure for Dotheboys Hall" from Nicholas Nickleby. Tuck D.3. 167 pieces. Cut by John Stokes, Custom Puzzle Craft, San Diego, CA. Extensive color line cutting; creative (scroll) style with cog wheels; signature piece; replacement piece (not shown).
Lower Left: "Nicholas Nickleby on the Road to Dotheboys Hall" from Nicholas Nickleby. Tuck D.12. 56 pieces. Cut by Joe Seymour, Dep Qua Puzzles, Rohnert Park, CA. Irregular edges; 2 sided-different picture; signature piece; long jagged style.
Upper Right: "Mr. Pecksniff Leaves for London" from Martin Chuzzlewit. Tuck D.6. 24 pieces. Cut by Joe Seymour, Dep Qua Puzzles, Rohnert Park, CA. Irregular edges; 2-sided-different picture; crescent push-fit style.
White background cut by Melinda Shebell, Jardin Puzzles, Stow, MA. "Full" by reversing spaces; "F" a complex figure; "of the" by dropouts-sculpting; "RAA" by dropouts-scripting.
Works of Dickens w pop-up figure of Mr. Pickwick. 64 pieces. Cut by Melinda Shebell, Jardin Puzzles, Stow, MA. Double cut-challenge; 3-D pop-up; color line cutting with interval knobs; irregular edges-outline.
2 busts of Charles Dickens. 25 pieces each. Cut by Jim Ayer, Ayer Puzzles, Marblehead, MA using water-jet: 2 figures each; signature piece; replacement piece (not shown); irregular edges-outline.
Upper Left: "Mr. Pecksniff and the Missus Return from London" from Martin Chuzzlewit. Tuck D.10. 21 pieces. Cut by Joe Seymour, Dep Qua Puzzles, Rohnert Park, CA. Irregular edges; 2 sided-different picture; push-fit crooked line strip.
Lower Right: "Tom Pinch Departs to Seek His Fortune" from Martin Chuzzlewit. Tuck D.15. 65 pieces. Cut by Joe Seymour, Dep Qua Puzzles, Rohnert Park, CA. Irregular edges; 2 sided-different picture; long push-fit (Perplexity style).
White background cut by Melinda Shebell, Jardin Puzzles, Stow, MA. "Dickens" by dropouts-sculpting with" D" by dropouts-figure; "April 13, 2007" by dropouts-scripting
"The Pickwickians Arrive at Eatanswil"l from Pickwick Papers. Tuck D.16. 106 pieces. Cut by Pagey Elliott, Pagemark Puzzles, Carlisle, MA. Irregular edges-wavy; 5 appropriate figures plus signature piece; some color line cutting; round knob style.
"Mr. Pickwick and His Friends Arrive at the Blue Lion" from Pickwick Papers. Tuck D.11. 200 pieces. Cut by Melinda Shebell, Jardin Puzzles, Stow, MA. Multiple levels-same picture; dropouts-deception; irregular bottom-enhancement; double cutting-deception and pieces interchangeable; signature piece; curl knob style.
"On the Road to Dingley Dell" from Pickwick Papers. Tuck D.8. 112 pieces. Cut by Jeff Abrams, Just Ducky Puzzles, Russell's Point, OH. Irregular bottom-protrusion; signature piece; long/angular style.
"David Copperfields First Sight of London" from David Copperfield. Tuck D.13. 75 pieces. Cut by Anne Williams, Lewiston, MA. Irregular edges-oval and figures (London); 2 sided-same picture; dropouts-figs; signature piece; 2 figures; some color line cutting; random knob.
"The Election at Eatanswill" from Pickwick Papers. Tuck D.7. 133 pieces. Cut by Bruce Gehman, San Jose, CA. Irregular bottom-protrusion; irregular corners-scalloped; figure pieces-personalized message ("Happy Puzzling"); signature piece; some color line cutting; 5 figures (1 enhanced).
"The Pickwickians Leave the Golden Cross for Rochester" from Pickwick Papers. Tuck D.14. 100 pieces. Cut by Graham Curtis, Glenwood Puzzles, Kilbourne, IL. Multiple levels-same wood; irregular bottom-protrusion; 10 figures forming 2 large interactive groups plus signature piece; color line cutting; replacement piece (not shown).