Non-interlocking cardboard puzzle published by Viking Manufacturing Co., Inc., Boston, MA as C-1 in its weekly puzzle series in 1933. Weekly series puzzles were often called "depression era jigsaws". I have not been able to identify the artist of this very attractive and distinctive scene.
On August 3, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus started his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. With a crew of 90 men and three ships—the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria—he left from Palos de la Frontera, Spain. Columbus reasoned that since the world is round, he could sail west to reach “the east” (the lucrative lands of India and China). That reasoning was actually sound, but the Earth is much larger than Columbus thought—large enough for him to run into two enormous continents (the “New World” of the Americas) mostly unknown to Europeans.
Columbus made it to what is now the Bahamas in 61 days. He initially thought his plan was successful and the ships had reached India. In fact, he called the indigenous people “Indians,” an inaccurate name that unfortunately stuck. Wikipedia.