"Badinage", an old term meaning "playful humor or banter", and that is exactly what appears to be going on in this scene. Picture Puzzle Exchange puzzle #509 made by Isabel Ayer, Boston, MA c.1910. Solid wood, non-interlocking, cut extensively along color lines. An extremely difficult puzzle because of all the green background. Note "hour glass figure" on our lady, undoubtedly the result of an extremely tight corset worn at the turn of the century. The printed box label has an address label for Ms Ayer's place of business from 1922-1927,36 Bromfield Street, glued on top of where the address is normally printed. Since the puzzle was cut from solid wood and used in Ms Ayer's lending library, it was more likely cut c.1910 and the label changed to reflect her changes in address from her original 294 Washington St. address.