The calendar months scattered in the picture are from the year 1900. Printed in gold along the picture bottom is, "20th Century Girl Calendar, Complements of J.C. Hubinger Co. mfg of Red Cross Starch, Keokuk, Iowa, U.S.A." Probably made by an amatuer, the puzzle is cut from solid wood extensively along color lines into tiny pieces in a very early style and is devilishly difficult even for an adult to assemble. If cut about 1900, this puzzle would be one of the earliest American made adult puzzles (still predated by puzzles cut by Charles Jeffreys, Philadelphia, PA as early as 1898); see my article, "Earliest Use of Special Techniques for Making Adult Jigsaw Puzzles". On the other hand, while picture was probably printed and distributed in 1900 as promotion by J.C. Hubinger Co., puzzle may have been cut later. Artwork date does not necessarily date when a puzzle was cut, other than to show that the puzzle could not have been cut before the artwork date.