Solid wood, cut by a member of the Cambridge Puzzle Club, Cambridge, MA, back in 1909 c, non-interlocking and along color lines, it is extremely difficult. Artist: Diez. but I cannot find anything about his/her life. Puzzle has an insert listing assemblers, including Deborah Greeley (May 1982) and Pagey Elliott (summer 1985!). Deborah and Pagey were sisters in the Concord/Carlisle, MA area and both cut jigsaw puzzles. Pagey mentored many of us in the jigsaw puzzle world until her death in March 2009 at age 97. Several of her puzzles are displayed in ny Puzzles Cut by Today's Makers section of the Examples from the Collection page of my website. The exclamation point after her completion date (summer 1985) was her understated way of indicating how difficult the puzzle was. Scene is a strange one. Sir Lancelot on a carousel horse? Looking unhappy? And are those 2 child angels with him and why? Again, puzzle is very challenging and I don't need to assemble it again, hence listing it for sale in Fall 2022 sale.