Picture Puzzle Exchange puzzle #42 cut by Isabel Ayer, Boston, MA 1910s. Plywood, non-interlocking, cut extensively along color lines. A visitor to our website, Kate, Eastwood who is based in the UK, has advised us the painter is Guilio Romano (1496-1546) and the original painting hangs in the Pitti Palace in Florence with the full title "Dance of Apollo with the Muses". She has also supplied us with the names of tjhe Muses from left to right: Calliope – Muse of Epic poetry, Clio – Muse of History, Erato – Muse of Lyric poetry, Melpomene – Muse of Tragedy, Terpsichore – Muse of Dance, Apollo – God of Fire and Music, Polyhymnia – Muse of Sublime Hymn, Euterpe – Muse of Music, Thalia – Muse of Comedy,Urania – Muse of Astronomy. Thank you, Kate!