Cutter #4 /35; 25 figure pieces; color line cut; interlocking with earlet knob style. Box includes promo for Jigsawshop in Weymouth, MA
The artist is Joseph Christian Leyendecker (1874–1951), who was one of the most prominent and financially successful freelance commercial artists in the U.S. He was active between 1895 and 1951 producing drawings and paintings for hundreds of posters, books, advertisements, and magazine covers and stories. He is best known for his 80 covers for Collier's Weekly, 322 covers for The Saturday Evening Post, and advertising illustrations for B. Kuppenheimer men's clothing and Arrow brand shirts and detachable collars. He was one of the few known reportedly gay artists working in the early-twentieth century U.S. [Wikipedia]
He has an extensive Wikipedia entry.