Interlocking series cut by George Leis, Montclair, NJ 1930's, with semi-color line cutting and 30 figure pieces. Artist is Harry Roseland. Roseland was largely self-taught, and never traveled to Europe to study art, as did many of the American artists of his time.. However, he did receive instruction from John Bernard Whittaker and later, James Carroll Beckwith. One of his most popular subjects were his paintings of black women fortune tellers who read the palms and tea leaves of white women clients. These paintings were widely reproduced during the early 20th century in the form of postcard sets and large full-color prints that were distributed as Sunday supplements in newspapers. While known most for his paintings of African Americans, his work encompassed many genres, including seascapes and portraits. He also gained renown for his paintings of laborers in the coastal areas of New England and New York and his many interior paintings. Oprah Winfrey has stated that her favorite painting in her personal collection is Roseland's 1904 work, To the Highest Bidder, which unlike most of Roseland's pieces is a PRE-Civil War scene, and depicts a mother and daughter who are about to be separated by a slave auction.