Produced in 1930's by While Away Puzzles, West Haven, CT. Plywood, interlocking, some color line cutting, 30 figure pieces. Artist: Frank Earle Schoonover (1877 – 1972). In 1918 and 1919, he produced a series of paintings along with Gayle Porter Hoskins illustrating the American forces in the First World War for a series of souvenir prints published in the Ladies Home Journal. Frankschoonover.com website. Part of our WW 1 collection. Last picture I have from my father's primitive camera before running out of film was him standing in a railroad boxcar in France on his way to the front in WW I. He survived, only to be called back to active duty in February 1941 and spending most of WW II in N. Africa, Sicily and Italy receiving 4 battle stars