Turtleteaser puzzle made by Ron Moore, Dallas, TX, 2008. Plywood, interlocking, cut with 1 figure piece (his signature piece, a turtle, naturally). Ron uses a computer to design grid patterns which he then attaches to the backs of puzzles and cuts upside down following the lines of the grid. This allows him to achieve a high degree of uniformity from piece to piece making a more difficult puzzle. The picture was used by any puzzle maker wishing to enter a puzzle in the AGPC Showcase for new puzzle makers held in Charleston, SC April 2008 and later in September of that year at the AGPC Puzzle Parley in Sturbridge, MA. Ron sent me his entry which I had to assemble (not easy!) and frame, so he gave me another puzzle of the same scene as "thanks". Thank you, Ron! More about Ron and his puzzles can be viewed at: www.turtleteasers.com