Recently, we acquired several Parker Brothers Pastime puzzles cut similarly in the 150 piece size and with similar artwork probably by Wm De Leftwich Dodge whose name appears on a couple of them. Some of the puzzles are listed in Pastime sales catalogs between 1917 and 1927. We don’t think the artwork is nearly as “grand” as that of other puzzles displayed here but it is colorful. All the titles actually start with “Scene from Grand Opera“ but we have reversed the wording to permit alphabetizing by name of opera. “Lohengrin” is made of plywood, semi-interlocking with color line cutting and 13 figure pieces. It is listed in the Pastime sales catalogs but the artist’s name does not appear on the cut picture. Scene is probably end of Act II at the steps of the minster when, first Ortrud and then Telramund attempt to break up the wedding of Elsa of Brabant and Lohengrin but the king leads the couple into the church to be married. Opera was composed by Richard Wagner.