Catalog Code:
2- 21310

Intricate, well cut; 30 figure pieces. Note poem on sign motivating boy and his dog to "dig for bait". I was given a dog at age 3 named "Skippy" who looked much like this dog. For 15 years, he accompanied and guarded me from other dogs and animals, but allowed humans near me. He died when I went off to Amherst College in 1954. And, yes, I have "dug for bait!" as a boy, but didn't catch many "edible fish". The "real fishermen" (grownups) had already caught the larger, more edible fish. Pickerel are simply too bony.
"Sittin and Wishin won't change your fate:
The Lord provides the fish;
But you have to dig the bait."
Sale Status:
Not for Sale