Catalog Code:
1- 1412

Starting at upper left and moving clockwise, names of persons depicted and artists: The Baroness De Crussol (A. Belzers), Lady Hamilton as Ambassador (T.G. Appleton), Sir Henry Upton (Flemish School), Madame Henrietta, Daughter of Louis XV (Nattier). Name stamped on inside box: R.F. Rablan or Rablah, Vicarage Rd, Poole cut puzzles in Bletchley and Dorset in the 1930's per a kindly web browser from England. Suggests puzzle cut in the 1930's and Rablan/Rablah probable cutter. Plywood, non-interlocking, cut from composite material along color lines. Interesting that 3 of the 4 portraits are of women. Well cut with color line cutting. Rich colors. Very old looking box.
Sale Status:
For Sale