This puzzle arrived in deplorable condition, missing 6 pieces, paper gone from several others and 4 knobs missing, never mind the stains and discolor. Fortunately, nearly all the artwork could be duplicated from the remains of the map and artwork inserts. Still, aging of the puzzle pictures and inserts was very different and copying did not improve the result. What you see is the best I can do with limited time and resources, and the stains and discolor still remain. Made by William Peacock, London, England 1870c., solid wood, edges interlocking, cut along the shire color lines on the map side. Artist? Take your choice. Named Cruchley's map of England but Gall & Iglis' name is at the bottom, and William Peacock's name is on the side depicting events from English history. The events depicted are fascinating, especially the fifth picture from the left in the second row showing "Duke of Clarence drowned in a Butt of Wine." My English friends tell me this was an important event as it changed the line of succession to the throne of England. Last event depicted, "Siege of Sebastapol", occurred in 1854, but William Peacock didn't start making puzzles until 1860 according to Linda Hannas. 1870 puzzle date is best guess. Donated to the American Antiquarian Society.