Catalog Code:
P- 0995

Gorgeous scene of Venice, one of my favorites. Pastime puzzle cut by #11 of Parker Brothers, Salem, MA 1929. Plywood, interlocking, cut along color lines with 60 figure pieces. Artist is Gaston Roullet. Marie Anatole Gaston Roullet (1847 – 1925) was a French painter and illustrator, appointed official painter of the Colonies and the Navy in 1885.
For 500 p. Pastime puzzles, the number of figure pieces should be @60, 12 figure pieces per 100 puzzle pieces. So, maybe, box label lists 500 pieces to reflect the 60 figure pieces cut, whereas puzzle actually has 615 pieces. #11 didn't cut enough figure pieces that day to market puzzle as a 600 piece puzzle. That should be @72.
Sale Status:
For Sale