Unusual Zag-Zaw Disguised Edges brand made by Raphael Tuck & Sons, London, England 1930's. Plywood, interlocking, cut with 40 figure pieces and sculpted edges. A larger version of D.12 in the Ludovici Dickens Coaching series of 16 puzzles. Printed inside the box cover is a promotion for Tuck products. From Dickens' "Nicholas Nickleby". Artist: Albert Ludovici, Jr. Albert Johann Ludovici (1820 – 1894) was a German and British artist, known for exhibiting at the Royal Society of British Artists. He was commissioned by Raphael Tuck & Sons to paint a series of 16 paintings portraying coaching scenes from the novels of Charles Dickens Tuck printed 2 series of 16 differing only in size, one suitable for 150 p. puzzles, the other for 400 piece puzzles. Tuck also sold the prints to Parker Brothers who mainly cut the larger size into 350 p. puzzles. Ludovici romanticized the coaching days (which he never experienced), and painted other coaching scenes, some of which were later cut into puzzles by Parker Brothers.