Glad Houser cut many puzzles and ran a lending library in the Litchfield, ME area in the 1930's. Her puzzles are extremely well cut with a very intricate interlocking style and much color line cutting. Artist is "Tsanya" which is a pseudonym for English artist Marion C. Crowe (1896-1979). Compare scene with #20919, also a dance scene by Tsanya. This was one of Houser's lending library puzzles and had one replacement piece when we acquired it, which I have retained (despite its shortcomings) because it probably was made by Houser herself. The bane of all lending libraries was the frequent disappearance of puzzle pieces leaving many of their puzzles incomplete. All sorts of fines and restrictions were tried by the library operators, but to little avail, and with declining interest in puzzles after the initial fad of the early 1930's, most were closed by the late 1930's. Box includes library checkout sheet. Great puzzle to assemble and display. Serial # 486