38 figure pieces; color line cut, semi-interlocking in long/round style
This is the first in Cecil Aldin's most famous hunting series 'The Fallowfield Hunt' which tells the story of a day's hunting. It is a sequence of six pictures, The Hunt Breakfast at the Three Pigeons, Breaking Cover, A Check, Full Cry, The Death, and lastly The Hunt Supper.
Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin (1870–935), was a British artist and illustrator best known for his paintings and sketches of animals, sports, and rural life. Born in Slough, Aldin studied under Albert Joseph Moore and later at the National Art Training School in South Kensington. He published his first set of hunting prints in 1899; called The Fallowfield Hunt, it tells the story of a days hunting in a sequence of six pictures: The Hunt Breakfast at the Three Pigeons, Breaking Cover, A Check, Full Cry, The Death, and lastly The Hunt Supper. The Hunt Supper also in this sale.