When Hildegard and I joined the Benevolent Confraternity of Dissectologists (yes, that's right!) in 1997, the founder and president, Tom Tyler, Ipswich, England would cut for each new member their own personal membership card puzzle with the first letter of their first name. The BCD is the British organization devoted to promoting interest in all aspects of jigsaw puzzles. It holds several meetings a year spread around England where people buy, sell, swap, assemble, display and discuss puzzles. The closest organization in the U.S. is the Association of Game & Puzzle Collectors (AGPC) which includes game, jigsaw and mechanical puzzle enthusiasts. However, a "specialty" activity of the AGPC, called the Puzzle Parley (www.puzzleparley.org) which I organized along with Pagey Elliott back in 1994, is the closest group to what the BCD does, although meeting only every couple of years.